
In Memory ...

1965 - 2009








25 years ago - on June 6th, 1984, Alexey Pajitnov, a Russian computer engineer now living in U.S. created Tetris that has become one of the most popular video games of all time.

There have been many variations since and one of my favourites was the 3-D version that was released some time in 1989, if I remember correctly. I used to stay back in the office playing the game. I remember the PC version clone of the original Tetris was called Nyet and yes, we played it on MS-DOS. Richard, the engineer in charge of OA (Office Automation) had to rename the game to TEYN.EXE and hid it deep inside directories whenever a PC hardware/software audit was conducted.

Today marks the 25th anniversary of the first release of the game that gave tremendous impact and influence on the video games development.

Watch out for Google's new logo design in conjunction with this remarkable day. More Tetris here.

Ron Howard 拍过不少成功的电影。早期的如CocoonApollo 13,让我印象深刻。

他的代表作应该是让他赢得奥斯卡最佳电影和最佳导演奖的A Beautiful Mind。Ron Howard一流的叙述方式,搭配Russell Crowe的精湛演技,让我回味无穷。

2005年他和Russell Crowe再次合作的Cinderella Man虽然没有得过大奖,却无损他剧情片大师的地位。

The Da Vinci Code不获好评,主要原因应该是他自己对一本畅销书的改编方式和观众期待的落差。Ron Howard的用心和忠实的拍摄手法,对一些要求商业元素重的影评人,当然是不讨好之极。

于是,Ron Howard推出了迎合市场口味的Angels & Demons,一部纯好莱坞商业大片。片长138分钟里充满悬疑,紧张,刺激,就像看Tom CruiseM:I-IIIDaniel CraigQuantum of Solace一样,让观众由始至终窒息的期待着高潮迭起的下一秒。无疑的这是一部极其成功的商业片。

只是,火爆的M:I-III没有了第一部M:I的“碟味”;Quantum of Solace牺牲了Casino Royale里难得的感性。Angels & Demons也毫无例外的失去了The Da Vinci Code里历史的深邃感和让人产生无限遐想的空间。

Hans Zimmer的Chevaliers De Shangreal终于在片尾,由Joshua Bell的小提琴,悠悠的带出,洒落一地的无奈,也填补了一些遗憾。

Related Post: Angels & Demons
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